unleash the power of your email list

...and turn your subscribers into raving fans and buyers in just one day!

Imagine for a moment...

What would your business be like if you could...

  • Make money every time you sent an email to your list?

  • Have repetitive tasks automated so you don't even have to THINK about them?

  • Squash blinking cursor syndrome in its tracks every time you sit down to write?

  • Banish the guilt that you aren't nurturing your list like you should be?

  • Mark "start email marketing" off your to-do list that keeps following you from week to week?

  • Get all of this in just ONE DAY?

Introducing the

Email Elevation VIP Experience

A premium email marketing service tailored exclusively for your business and needs!

Email Elevation VIP Experience

Entrust your email marketing to us, and we'll ensure that you have the strategy, copy, and tech in place to create trusting relationships and turn your subscribers into buyers...in just one day!

Your Email Elevation VIP Experience includes

  • a 30-minute strategy call

  • a private portal with training materials and your custom workbook

  • 7-8 hours of my undivided attention

  • Post-experience video walkthrough

  • 30 days of post-experience support

So, Lynley, what kinds of things could you do for me?*

Here are a few examples, but we’ll work together to customize an Email Elevation VIP Intensive that fits your needs!

a collage of multicolored succulents of different types


  • Develop an email marketing strategy for your business

  • Audit your email strategy, copy, and tech and provide recommendations

  • Build new email templates

  • Create a quarterly email marketing calendar

two white watering cans, one with a green plant and the other with pink flowers.  The watering cans sit in front of a light-blue shiplap wall


  • Write a 5-email welcome, sales, or reengagement sequence

  • Write a month of nurture emails

  • Write a bio for your website, YouTube channel, or media kit

  • Optimize existing copy for conversion

Green succulent with pink tips


  • Establish a new email marketing platform

  • Migrate your list and automations to a new email marketing platform

  • Automate sequences or processes

  • Build workflows that will track your most engaged users

*Quick Note || Please Read

When you invest in an Email Elevation VIP Experience, please understand that you are booking me for the day, not for a specific set of deliverables. Because of my experience and processes, I am able to maximize our time to deliver results. We can accomplish so much together as long as you're able to complete the prep work before our VIP day and be available the day of for questions and feedback. Please keep this in mind when you choose your date.

Alleson T.

wealth strategist

"I reviewed the sales copy--loved it! I TOTALLY see why the copy I wrote was flat and wouldn't have converted. As I kept reading, I was like yes, Yes, YES...I want it, lol."

Alleson is a CPA and wealth strategist who created a new offer to help a limited number of clients know exactly how much they will have to pay in taxes next year. She had beta-tested this offer last year and was ready to take it up a notch. She scheduled one full VIP day and one half-day with me.

  • Planned messaging for and named her new offer, Avere Tax Edge

  • Wrote sales page copy for offer

  • Wrote social media copy and promotional schedule

  • Wrote emails that Alleson could send to previous clients to promote the new offer

  • Wrote follow-up emails for Alleson to send after an initial strategy call with a potential client

Here's How the Process Works:

Step 1. Choose Your Date

Book your exclusive Email Elevation VIP Experience on the calendar below. Remember that you will need to be available via Slack or email to answer questions and provide feedback.

Step 2. Complete Your Onboarding

Once you've booked, you'll receive access to your custom Client Portal and your pre-intensive workbook. Once you've completed the workbook, you'll book your 30-minute strategy call where we will prioritize the projects.


Step 3. Enjoy The Big Day!

Yay! We will collaborate virtually throughout the day through Slack or email - no in-person or long Zoom meetings for us! I'll touch base when I have questions or need feedback from you. The more quickly you answer, the more I can get done for you!

Step 4. Enjoy 30 Days of Support

Don't worry - I won't leave you hanging after your VIP Day! You'll have 30 days of post-intensive support where I will make minor edits, fix any issues, or answer any questions you have!

Let's Get This Party Started!

Choose a day from our availability calendar, and lock in your day!

Still unsure? Book a 15-minute kickstart call here.

Pick a Date and Time


Available Starting times for Tue, Oct 22, 2024

Natalie C.

Travel professional

"OMG your writing is incredible! I love it! Just a few minor edits on info but overall I LOVE it!"

Natalie is a travel professional and agency owner. Her agency sells a lot of Disney travel, but Natalie wants to feature her expertise in Peru to sell more travel to that country. During her VIP day, we

  • Brainstormed topics for her new lead magnet on Peru

  • Wrote copy for new lead magnet

  • Designed new lead magnet in Canva

  • Wrote copy for her new 5-email welcome sequence

A's for your Q's

How is the Email Elevation VIP Experience different from working with you in a project or retainer capacity?

One of the best parts of the Email Elevation VIP Experience is that I get to dedicate my entire day to YOU and your projects! That means, instead of waiting until I have availability in my project load or as I juggle projects from multiple clients, you know EXACTLY when your projects will be done!

What email platforms do you work with?

There are a zillion email marketing platforms out there, and I've worked with almost all of the major ones. I prefer to work in one of the following:

  • MailerLite

  • Active Campaign

  • Flodesk

  • FG Funnels/High Level

  • ConvertKit

  • Kajabi

  • Kartra

But if your platform isn't listed, that's okay! Let hop on a chat and discuss!

What if you don't get everything done on our list?

My promise to you is that I will work as expediently and efficiently as I can. When we meet for our pre-experience strategy call, we will prioritize the list of projects to make sure we focus on the ones that will make the biggest impact. If we still have time when those priorities are complete, I'll be able to move onto other projects on your list! However, sometimes things take longer than anticipated, so you can book a half-day experience to finish everything up.

That pre-work doesn't sound like much fun. What does it include?

In order to design your strategy, write your copy, or automate your business, I need some info about you, your business, your brand, and your goals. If you have the content already in other forms, you'll be able to upload it to your Client Portal so I have it for reference. Depending on what kind of projects you have in mind, I might ask for your branding guidelines, examples of your writing or videos, or even some questions so I can inject your personality into your emails. Don't worry - it won't hurt too much!

Wait, so I won't get back a certain set of deliverables at the end of my VIP day?

I know this is different from a lot of project- or retainer-based work., but when you invest in an Email Elevation VIP Experience, you are booking me for an entire day, not for a specific set of deliverables. Because of my experience and processes, I am able to maximize our time to deliver results. We can accomplish so much together as long as you're able to complete the prep work before our VIP day and be available the day of for questions and feedback.

Wondering If A VIP Experience is Right For You?

No Email List Yet?

No worries! We can get you set up with just the right email marketing platform for you - so you can start building your list and put it to work for you while you focus on your zone of genius!

List Need Some Love?

I know...you had the best of intentions to nurture your list, but business got in the way. Let's get you set up with a reengagement sequence and workflow to reengage your subscribers and clean up your list!


Growing Your List?

You've been diligently growing your email list, but you know there are opportunities to optimize your platform, copy, and strategy so you can make more money and help more people with your list! A comprehensive audit will show us what you're doing well and where things could be improved.

Discover what's it's like to have your email list working for you 24/7/365...while you're sleeping, on vacation, at your kids' activities, or bingeing Netflix!

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